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In-store batches are batches processed with the PAX credit card terminals.

Time: The time a batch was processed.

Machine: The name of the credit card machine. Often this is the S/N of the credit card machine.

Batch: The batch number.

Amount: The total amount of batched transactions.

Only batches manually closed would be recorded by POS.

We recommend close batch manually at the end of the day. It's a good practice to cross-check with the deposit you received from the processor.

Batches autoclosed will be collected by the processor but won't be recorded in the POS.

Heartland® practices differently in closing batch. In closing one machine, it would close batch on all. With one machine closed, it would close batch on all machines. In such a case, the batch in POS may only show partial fund, from a single machine. The processor, however, has the full amount of closed fund.

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